Tips to Choose the Best CMS Platform for Your Website

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There are so many different CMS platforms out there on the internet, so which one should you choose? Here are some tips about what you should look for in a good CMS platform.

Ease of use

Users usually want a CMS platform that makes it easy to create and edit content. This often relates to having a drag and drop interface so that you can easily add different elements on your pages.

It should also be quick and easy to make changes to the content on your pages after you have published it.

Design options

Your CMS platform should offer you a variety of website design templates to select from. It should also make it easy for you to customize those designs to your own requirements, particularly without writing code.

Data portability

Great CMS software should have tools for users to easily export and move data elsewhere.

For example, you might later decide to choose a different hosting company or a different platform. If the CMS software has data portability, it will be much easier for you to move around with complete freedom.

CMS (Content management system)

Add-ons and extensions

Not all websites are the same. Therefore, it is impossible for any CMS software to come with all the features that can fulfill requirements for every type of website.

Extensions and add-ons can help to fix that problem. They are separate software that you can install on your CMS platform to extend its features as well as add new ones when you need it. So think of them as apps for your CMS software.

Help and support options

CMS platforms aim to build a website as straightforward as possible but you still may have some questions that you don’t know the answer. Find out what help and support is available when you get stuck.

Some CMS platform providers have a handful of FAQs run by a customer service team that is painfully slow to respond. Others have a really supportive community that can help you whenever you need it.